Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back Pain At Night And Wake Up In the Morning - Causes Of Morning Back Pain

Apparently, you are not alone in having back pain and back aches in the morning.
Actually, this pain starts before you sleep. When you have lower or upper back pain while resting on the bed, then one thing is for sure, you have a very bad sleeping position.

Usually, back pain at night starts with the shoulders and neck. This is due to your pillow which is not comfortable. You are putting strain on your neck and upper back because the pillow might not be fluffy enough or it is saggy. Choose a pillow that lifts your head at an angle.
Another possible cause back pain in the morning is that you have a bed that is too old. Saggy bed cushions tend to curve your body when you sleep. This somehow makes your muscles at the back more prone to tension when you wake up. Therefore, chance your position by sleeping on your side.
You can relieve back pains at night with a simple massage. You may also take back pain relievers like Ibuprofen.

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