Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lower Back Pain After Workout - How To Relieve Back Pain From Lifting Weights At The Gym

Most people will have back pain after a day at the gym. This is because the muscles get sore. However, there are good relievers for your back pain after workout.
Let us provide you with some tips on how to cure back ache from the gym and lifting weights.

First, you need to warm up every time you start and end a workout session. This sill reduce the strains on your muscle.
Second, you can rest your back on a sturdy surface, say for example a floor. This way, you can relieve back pain and stretch the muscle fibers.
Third, you can put hot compress on your lower back pain. This will tend to relax the muscles in there because they are thinner.
If you still have upper back pain or lower back pain after a few days, you may get a massage service to soothe out the strained muscles. On the other hand, you can also request for a service from a chiropractor or a physical therapist.

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